Sunday, April 17, 2011


So, last week in church my pastor asked a pretty thought provoking question...
"What happened last week to make you choose your will or His?"
So, what situations was I in that I really stopped to think WWJD?  I know it's become a kind of cliche, but it's true.  We, as christians, should be living our lives by "What Would Jesus Do"?  There are so many every day aspects of life that we don't even stop to think about how are we handling this, and are we living in His will or our own?  It's not about us, this life is only about God; about us showing Christ to each other, us allowing Christ to shine thru us so that all the world will see.  Our love for Him should translate as obedience to Him.  Sometimes that obedience requires sacrifice on our part, which in turn a lot of times could make us ignore the question "my will or His?"

So, I ask the question again; "What happened last week to make you choose your will or His?" or you could rephrase, "What could happen this week and will I choose my will or His"?  Be ready for the enemy, stand strong in your faith, hide God's word in your heart, be prepared at all times to maybe have to make a sacrifice.  I can promise, from experience, it will be worth your while to choose Christ's will.  The possibilities are endless with God on your side; the alternative, the possibility of a Jesus spanking that you can't even imagine!

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