Tuesday, November 22, 2011

16 years and counting...

I can not believe I've been married 16 years.  Where has the time gone?!  It was a rough start, and didn't exactly happen the way I would have planned; but who'd of thought that we would've landed where we are today.  He is crazy, loving, insane, crazy, loving, crazy and more crazy!!!!!!  Did I mention that he is crazy?!  I love him just the way he is.  God works everything to His glory and that is so true in our lives together.  He turned what we could've messed up into a beautiful life. I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's.  It's not always easy to be married but God says if we put Him first, the rest will come; and it does.  It's easy to love when you love God.  I love where God has brought us and am so looking forward to where He's going to take us.  I thank Him for giving me John every day.  Thank you John for loving me even when I'm not very lovable sometimes.  Thank you for loving our children and providing for us, and protecting us, and everything else you do for us.
I truly love you with all my heart!  I can't wait to see where the next 16 years will take us!!!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!