Wednesday, August 17, 2016

And the story continues...

God is so amazing!  I mean, I know that, but when He shows us His awesomeness I just can't help but fall on my knees and be in awe!
Most of you know, if you're friends with me on FB or Instagram, that we have 2 sets of friends that have recently brought 2 little girls home from not only the same city but the same orphanage as Jadyn Grace.  It has been such an amazing thing to watch these 3 little girls play together and I can't wait to get to continue to watch them grow up with each other!  This part of the story in itself is truly a miracle.  3 little girls, 1/2 way across the world, born in the same city and given care from the same orphanage, end up being adopted within 18 months of each other and now live within 15 min of each other!!! BUT GOD!!!

But wait, there's more!!!
Last week, when we were finally able to get the girls together for the first time at home, we took a bunch of such cute pics. (I'm sure you guys saw them on social media :)!)  One of the other moms had the amazing idea of sending some of those pics to our agency (we all used the same agency for our adoption).  Their story is just to special to not share, I mean seriously!
After that, the same mom was in contact with other families that they had met while in China and one of the other families was able to find our friends daughters foster parents.  They sent her the email and my friend was so excited to get to send them an email with an update from since they've been home.  In that email my friend included some of the pics from when we got the girls together and their names in case they new either of them or knew who might and want to share them.
This morning my friend received an email from her daughters foster family.  It was all in Chinese so she started scrolling through the pictures they sent.  My friend noticed that there were a few pics OF JADYN GRACE!!!!!  She quickly did her best to translate the email and found that the foster parents were surprised to see Wu Ting in my friends pictures and were so thankful to see her and would like to hear from us!  JADYN GRACE AND MY FRIENDS NEW DAUGHTER HAD THE SAME FOSTER FAMILY!!!!  I mean, just to repeat what John said, and people say there's not a God!
I have wondered and prayed for 18 months for Jadyn Grace's foster parents.  Thanking God for them, for what great care they took of my precious girl, for the love they so clearly showed her.  I have prayed that somehow they would know that she is loved and means the world to us, that they would have peace and know that she is ok!
I can not WAIT to send them an email and thank them "in person"!
I have no words except, BUT GOD!
He is a good God.  He loves us and hears our every prayer.  He works in mysterious ways on our behalf.

I know it's been A LONG time since I've written.  I started an 18 month update and never finished.  I promise at some point I will do an update on how we're doing.  We are still learning and adjusting some but we are SO GOOD!
Thank you all for praying!  God hears and moves!
I can not wait to continue to watch this story, His story, unfold!