Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's in a name...

So, one of the most common questions we get is "What are you going to name her?"  Well, if you only knew how hard that is to decide!  We know 3 things...  Her first name has to start with a "J". All of our first names start with "j" and we don't intend for her to be different. Second, we want it to mean something!  Our 3 other children we just kinda picked what we liked, but we feel like with her we should put more thought into it.  She is a gift from God and we plan on her name saying that (not that our 3 biological children aren't also but we feel like this is a part of us that we are giving her).  Last, we fully intend to use part of her Chinese name. We can't wait to see how that fits into the names we have narrowed it down to. We are not 100% on what we've chosen yet so we are not ready to share but we have a few options. Maybe next update will be about that (though I hope not, I hope it will be that our paperwork is being sent to our agency!).
Anyway, please keep praying that things continue to move smoothly and quickly.  We are still praying for God's glory to be shown in this process.  We believe this is not about us; this is a part of God's story and we just get to enjoy the ride!
Til next time...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A tree update!

So, it's been a little while and our tree now has some leaves!!!!!
Thank you so much for all of you who have joined our "family". We can not wait to share with her the people who have loved her and hoped for her before we even saw her face!  Her tree will be a true culmination of love!  I've added a link to the sidebar of the blog to make joining her family easier, it's labeled "her family tree".
Anyway, on to the pics...