Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Out with the old, In with the new...

Year that is!  WOW, it's been a while!!!!!!  I've actually been thinking a lot about posting but, don't really have a lot to say and certainly don't have time!
I can tell you that I have a lot on my heart, and a lot on my mind, and a lot to do A LOT OF THE TIME!!!!  I've been praying daily that the desires of my heart match up with God's will for my life.  I have so many "wants" and things that I think "I need", and I'm working through and learning the difference and realities of both.  I think constantly of my children at school (are they doing ok, are they learning, are they having fun, are they safe, etc.), and my husband at work (is he having a peaceful day, is he being patient, is there a new whole in a wall somewhere, etc.), and just life in general (what do I have to do today, can I be done by the time the kids get home, do I "need" to do anything really, what can I "get by" with doing, etc.).  I've been busy with keeping up with my house, 2 bible studies (both of which I LOVE), homework, AND... I started working!!!  Two half days a week, nothing major but totally what I love to do!  Helping to teach 2 year olds; numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc.  Lots of life lessons too; how to walk in a straight line, how to not tackle our friends, that we don't eat the mulch on the playground, that when we don't follow directions we don't get a skittle; you know, THE IMPORTANT STUFF!!!!!  Truly, I love it though.  The teacher I aide for is a wonderful woman of God and an incredibly patient person.  She will be a great "teacher" for me to watch and learn from.
Anyway, I've got a bigger post coming I feel, about who I ended last year as and who I want to end this year as; but tonight is not the night for that... so you'll just have to wait!!!!  (Hopefully it won't take me a month to get to it!)
So, ta ta for now!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey JoyBeth! It is Nikki (Allison's friend in Birmingham) - can you email me?? I just read your comment on our blog, and I would love to "chat" via email. My email is symasekfab5@aol.com :-)
