Monday, February 17, 2014

Next update!!!

Well, after many more lessons in patience from my all knowing Father God our papers have been logged in country!!!!!
As I've said before, this means we are now added to the shared list throughout all of the country, not just the specific treasures sent to our agency.  We are so excited and anxious for what this next step means.  Thank you for continuing to pray with us.  I look forward to the next post!


  1. Awesome...only a matter of a few weeks until you hopefully see your new daughters face!

  2. That is great! We are still praying!!! Love to all of you!

  3. Joy Beth, this is my friend Jill's blog. She just brought her baby girl home! Thought you might enjoy reading it.

    1. OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you for sharing this with me! What an encouragement her story is. It's crazy to think that their process started just about 4 months before ours. She's living what we hope to be living in the coming months (if God so chooses). Thank you again for sharing!
