Thursday, July 25, 2013

the end of a book, in our life series...

Think about it, you've just finished say the 2nd book in a series of 5-6.  You know it's the end of a journey and you know where it's leading to and why that book was written and that it was coming to an end eventually.  It's a GREAT ending but it's also a little bittersweet.  It's sad to say goodbye to those characters maybe, or that situation, or the location.  That book was a huge part of the much bigger series and you never want to forget it because of where it started, how it ended, and where it's leading.
That happened in our series of life stories today.  We ended a "book" that started 4 years ago September.  We never could've imagined why it started, where the journey was going to take us, how it would end, or where it was leading us next.  God's awesome like that!  Just be willing to be along for the ride and He'll lead you to some SCARY things, with a few heartwarming turns along the way, and ending with something more amazing than you could've ever imagined.
It all began 9/09 when John John began being in excruciating pain.  The next 5 months would include, doctors appointments galore, physical therapy, X-rays, MRI's, constant pain, a lot of medicine and CONSTANT prayer; also meeting a handful of people that went above and beyond to do what needed to be done to help my son!  Fast forward to February 2010.  We were told by the surgeon that John John was going to need rods from his neck to his pelvis.  We didn't know what to say or do.  We had been told he didn't need that.  We had been told how it could be fixed.  We tried to tell the surgeon what we knew.  We had been told by everyone we talked to that said surgeon was the best in the southeast.  We struggled desperately with his plan but didn't know where to go next, BUT GOD!!!!  We were told it would be at least 6 months until he could be put on the schedule, BUT GOD!!!!  We were told he may never have full range of motion, BUT GOD!!!!  Five days after this appointment we received a phone call to put him on the schedule, it seemed there had been a cancellation  in 10 days and they'd like to have him take that spot.  Thirty minutes before surgery was to begin, on Feb 19, the "best pediatric back surgeon in the southeast" came in to discuss with us that after extensive research over the last 3 days he had found in the late 80's a procedure where he didn't have to rod his entire back, just the bottom 8" where the injury was (why he is the best, never operates without extensive research).  Three weeks after surgery we went for John John's first check up and he could almost touch his toes.  Some serious BUT GOD's going on in our life about then!!!!!
We had about 3-4 check ups over the next 18 months or so.  John John was having pain again.  Nothing like last time but very consistent.  The surgeon kept saying put some weight on him, unfortunately that's not nearly as easy for John John as we hoped (still!).  In the midst of all of this my heart was yearning for the orphans.  God had laid it on my heart fast and hard and I couldn't let go.  John was not hearing it.  Kept assuming it was a phase and would pass.  Kept hoping I'd find another way to help the least of these.  I let it go, to him, and just prayed and talked with friends that knew my heart.  In April 2012 we found out John John was going to need surgery again.  Nothing like last time, just a removal of some hardware (needed in less than 8% of these cases) and at the worst replacing it with a different style.  We had complete peace this time.  God had provided so much bigger than we could have ever imagined last time that we trusted Him in all of this this time.  Surgery was scheduled for Dec 18, nearly 3 years from the first.  Surgery was scheduled to last 2-4 hours.  Two and a half hours in surgeon came out, said he was done.  Not only was he able to take and leave out the hardware causing the issues he was also able to take out ALL of the rest of the hardware.  This was a  HUGE blessing.  We knew that there was the potential of him being in pain on and off for the rest of his life with all that metal in such a skinny body.  He'd never have that possibility again, and we were very thankful.  Three weeks later we went for post op check, things were looking perfect.  Nothing to be concerned with.  One month later John came home from work to announce...  WE ARE GOING TO CH*N@!!!!  As the last 6 months have passed we have talked many times about how he would never have had the courage to say yes to God and adopt if we had not been through the last nearly 4 years of John John's back.  Trusting God in ALL of that, and sometimes just being plain SCARED TO DEATH, and watching God's story unfold for His glory!  He led us through the heartache, the joy, the tears, and today the conclusion.  John John was released today (1 year early) from orthopedic care!!!!  It was such a bittersweet goodbye.  The people that we've met through the last 4 years have done more for our family than anyone would ever expect.  They've gone above and beyond to care for our son, to comfort us and to share joy with us.  We were unbelievably blessed to have met each of them.  I wish there was some way we could show them, they will always be a huge part of God's story in our lives!
Now, we are on to the next journey, the next book in our series that God is writing.  We are prepared for heartache, joy, hard times, and easy times.  We are along for the ride now, trusting God to lead us where to go and knowing He will provide and bring to fruition to His story!
Thank you to ALL of you who have prayed for us over the last 4 years!  It's a big day for all of us, to thank God for all He has done in and through this book in our series!!!  You are all true blessings!


  1. I've been following your story for a few months...I just talked to my husband the other day about adoption and he said no (no surprise). I'm sure G-d will work this out if he wants to. :) Your story is very inspiring!

  2. It is a blessing to know that there are people who go before us and are testimonies to the remarkable ways God can heal. Jena in the midst of her medical chaos is blessed to have those who have gone before her. Praise the Lord!
