Monday, October 4, 2010

making something so simple so complicated

So, my regular Monday night bible studies have begun again (thank the Lord, I miss them desperately during hiatus).  This session we are studying becoming a woman of grace.  Tonight we were discussing how it's so simple yet we all are trying so hard to find something more.  Like we're missing something.  It's so hard to realize that something so powerful as God's grace is really so simple for us to have.  We were talking about the peace you feel when you finally accept that grace and how unbelievable it feels.  Also, about how when you step away from that grace you know it immediately.  How often we do that.  It's amazing to me.  It's so simple to have and keep God's grace, why are we so stubborn to walk away from it sometimes?  How ignorant are we to think we can do it all on our own!  We can't and we don't even have to try.  Our faith in Him means that he is right beside us all the way through everything.  I like the saying, "if He brings you to it He'll bring you through it".  His grace is truly amazing!  It breaks my heart for those that have not realized it.  I don't know how they get through life, even day to day.  I know we are only human and because of that I'm so glad that I have God's grace to carry me through.  I can only hope and pray that I might become a woman of grace and pass it on!
Hhhmmm, hope that makes some kind of sense!  Anyway, totally off the subject...  John now has a commercial playing on the radio.  You should hear the kids, they are so excited to hear our "name" on the radio.  We must be famous or something :0)!!!  (NOT, but it's sweet that they think so).
Anyway, until something worth writing happens again...

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