Monday, December 15, 2014

Journey to Jadyn Grace... China days 9 and 10

We decided that we would opt out of the group plans on Sunday and Monday.  We are just tired and enjoying down time with just Jadyn and us.  Sunday we slept in and decided to take a cab to Shamain Isaland.  It's the touristy part of where we are.  Sweet little shops, beautiful gardens with statues, just a pretty place.  We spent about an hour there and did some shopping then we came back to the hotel and spent the rest of the day here.  It was nice to just relax and let Jadyn play.  We had a group dinner planned that night at an authentic Chinese place.  John and I didn't partake (we are scaredy cats) but Jadyn LOVED it!!!!  It was cool to sit and talk with other families going through this journey.
On Monday we had NO plans, just to stay and relax.  We toured the hotel and found an outdoor playground with slides and a swing.  Jadyn was so excited.  She played for about an hour and we walked around.  We really did nothing, and it was nice!

What we're learning about Jadyn Grace (and she's learning about us)...
 - She's what they call "spicy".  She is SO strong willed!  She knows what she wants and she wants it now!!!  She's learning that she is not in charge though.  She is learning "no" pretty quickly!
 - She's not used to sharing!  She does not like it when she has to share, whether food, toys, daddy, anything.
 - She is so incredibly sweet.  She'll walk up and just lean against you for some love.  She loves her daddy.
 - She is SMART!!!!!!!  She has been with us a week and we are already having to spell things because she understands.  She repeats everything.  She still says lots of things in Mandarin but English is coming easily.
 - WE ARE IN LOVE!!!!  She is so smart and cuddly and sweet and happy and giggly!

Thank you all so much for your prayers.  We have been so blessed during this entire journey and you have all been a part of it.  Our God is a mighty God and He has done amazing things!

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