Sunday, September 21, 2014

Our LOI...

First, what is an LOI?  It stands for "Letter Of Intent".  Basically it is a letter to country of child telling them that we would like to adopt this little girl, that we've done our due diligence in reviewing her medical file and that we are prepared and willing to accept her and her conditions; and that above all we will love her as our own biological child and do whatever needs to be done to keep her safe and take care of her.

So, it was Wednesday July 30.  I emailed our LOI to our agency.  Now, being that this precious girl was not released yet, our agency would be holding on to our LOI until her release and then they would send it over seas.  After I sent our LOI the girl at our agency called me with congratulations!  She also informed me that they had been receiving messages that "the city she was from" may be giving a release soon.  Our girl was at the end of that list so she may possibly be in that release.  I couldn't believe it; not only had we officially said yes, her release may be in the next week or so instead of month or so!
The next day my mom and sister came over.  I was so excited to be telling them all we had learned.  We just talked and laughed!  I'm so thankful that our families are so excited and supportive of our process!  Anyway, after lunch I was checking my emails and had one from Holt - SHE HAD BEEN OFFICIALLY RELEASED!!!!!!  I was SHOCKED!  The blessings just kept coming, I couldn't believe it.
We are so undeserving of God's grace and he just keeps covering and covering us with it.  I just am so overfilled with joy and thankfulness!  Even though I completely fail at trusting fully He still loves me fully!
Our LOI was officially sent Aug 4 and the timeline for the next wait was 2-4 months.  After the LOI comes the most important paper in this whole process.  The LOA, "Letter Of Acceptance".  It is the paper from in country saying "yes, we accept your LOI and you can adopt this precious girl".  I mean, NOTHING else can happen until we get that.
So at this point, Aug 4, we were again waiting, but at least things were moving forward, there were things for us to do during this wait.  We had to have our home study updated to cover our princesses "condition" and to include the new adult we had living in our house, John John, now that he's turned 18.  We were also waiting for more paper work from our agency that we had to fill out.  We also found out that instead of a 4-6 month wait time from this point, there was now a 6-8 month wait, UGH!!!  I just want to hold her, to bring her home!!!  But, we wait.  We wait for God to move, we wait for His perfect timing, we wait for our precious girl to come home, we wait and hope in Him!

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